Regular check ups include the cleaning (prophy), dental x-rays, and exam – usually every 6 months
For those patients that have had bone loss and need a more in-depth cleaning – usually every 3-4 months
The deep cleaning for patients that have had a lapse in dental care and may have bone loss and inflamed gums
Used in the back regions of the mouth to replace tooth structure lost from decay
Used in the front or back of mouth to replace tooth structure lost from decay
When a tooth has lost excessive structure that can not be replaced by a filling or for esthetic purposes – made of different materials – depending on desire
Three permanently-joined cement crowns to replace a missing tooth – can be different lengths when necessary
The removal of a nerve when needed due to necrosis or excessive decay – most commonly the tooth will need a crown following a root canal to prevent fracture
Comprehensive braces can be started at any age – most commonly they are started in the adolescent/early teen years. Ortho can be for minor tooth movements – using only retainers, or to completely improve mal-alignment and jaw dysfunction
Used to replace missing teeth or to better anchor a denture in position – simple procedure placing a titanium screw into the upper or lower jaw
Custom made bite guard to help alleviate jaw pain – will also serve as a hard surface to allow teeth to slide upon when patients have clenching/grinding abnormalities
Can be done with different procedures at home – including close fitting whitening strips – professional strength with greater adhesion than Crest White Strips – we also offer bleaching trays that can be worn at night
Acrylic plate to replace all the teeth on the upper or lower arch
Can be metal based with acrylic over top or can be made completely out of acrylic to replace teeth when there are still several per arch
Tooth removal is necessary when a tooth is non-restorable or when finances dictate to have a tooth removed instead of root canal therapy. We also perform wisdom teeth extractions in our office
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